I received an apt message on whatsapp today (see picture).

Some Moron ! Some Great !!!
Size of the country hardly matters My-Bros
Where Some pick up, But Some throw
Everyone hits such country as A Foe !!
Where All pick up, But No-one throws
Hats off to such country that everyone bows !!!
The context here is not only about the flag left unattended to or left on street but it is also about leaving the following¹ unattended to:

1/ Dirt, Garbage, etc.
2/ In-disciplined behaviors
3/ Irregularities
4/ Inadequacies
5/ Irrationalities
6/ Corruption
7/ Lack of governance, etc.
Version in Marathi Language as follows:
काही गहाण ! तर काही महान !!
काही महान ! तर काही गहाण !!
असो देश मोठे वा असो लहान,
काही गहाण, तर काही महान II
उचलायला जिथे कोणी नाही
करायला मात्र सारेच घाण
उचलतात काहीजण
पण करतात कचरा बरेचजण
हाणावी देशात त्या वहाण !!
टाकायला जिथे कोणीच नाही
काढायला परि सारेच कचरा-घाण ¹
असे खरंच तो देश महान !!!
Now anybody can decide anytime:
What kind of country do we live in: Moron-one Or The-Great?
Just revisit the poem to take a Momentary-Test....
What's The Learning?

In the third-type of countries, honoring their own country is the top-most behavior for it's citizens, then comes their workplace and last comes their-own-self ! For third type of countrymen, flag is respectable anyway. They don't throw even a scrap-item nor even a chaff on floor !
Footnote-1, In the Kaizen context this is about elimination of Muda-Mura-Muri and Dirty-Danger-Difficult (3-D) situations. Muda is resultant waste due to Mura i.e. unevenness or inconsistencies and Muri i.e. irrationalities or overburden. कचरा-घाणीचा संदर्भ हा फक्त कचरा-घाणीपूरता नसून अव्यवस्था, बेशिस्त वागणुक, गैरव्यवहार, भ्रष्टाचार, इत्यादी सा-याशीच आहे. Third type of countrymen do Five-S Kaizens and MISER in order to get rid of the resultant mess!
A sher in punjabi style which can be generalised to a virtue, object etc to define human nature.
ReplyDeleteJab khud pe hi shak ho
To saabit karne jaave..
Ek baar yakeen jo ho jaye
To logon ko kyu bataave..
Compromise starts when originality dies due to raised expectations. Unified action is required to bring the change and the leader must be ORIGINAL.
Lovely! You can make difference Vikrant!
DeleteHow To Make A Difference http://care-is-cure.blogspot.com/2014/01/how-to-make-difference.html