It was our monthly music meet. Suddenly power went off.
And following MaiKu© poems occurred to me!
Yes to Concrete, Material & Moon
No to Trees, Yes to Water-Balloon
Not-soon, says Monsoon
No to Trees, Yes to Water-Balloon
Not-soon, says Monsoon
What an Hour, says Water-Hour
Don't hurt me, says Earth-Hour
Save-Our-Souls, says S.O.S. Hour
Don't hurt me, says Earth-Hour
Save-Our-Souls, says S.O.S. Hour
Check out following blogposts that may be able to value-add to above poems.
Read a few relevant blogposts hereunder:
Do You Celebrate Mean-or-Green
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall
Take Habits For A Ride
Can-changing-th oughts-change-a -nation
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Do you exercise your choice meaningfully
Rise-n-Fall in the Rain-Fall